Merope Astrophoto

May 24, 2006

Be patient, I have just started. The goal of this project is to create multiplatform application for amateur astrophoto processing.

I'm creating this application primarily for myself, as I miss such piece of software. However, if someone other will find it useful, the better. I want to put together all usual functions you use when you want to create breathtaking pictures of astronomical objects from raw kinofilm scans or images downloaded from your digital or CCD camera. I do not like current state, when I need three or five tools (mainly Windows only and some of them commercial) to do all the processing I need. Note, that this software is dedicated to “visual enhancement” of the images, not for some data mining. It should ease the process of capturing the beauty of the universe.

The application is being developed with Trolltech Qt 4.0 under GPL license, so it should be available on Linux, Windows and possibly also Mac OS and UNIX systems, but I do not have access to such platform. However, the source codes will be available of course. I do the development on Debian GNU Linux, using Eclipse CDT.

List of features I would like to have implemented with version 1.0. First two are to be done first, because the others can be done in GIMP.

May clear sky be with you.

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